


Its editorial focus at gres art 671 bookshop emphasizes major modern and contemporary art movements, with particular attention to photography, performance, architecture, music, and underground and subaltern cultures, in synergy with the artistic research of gres art, its exhibitions, and its artists. The bookshop is curated by Paint It Black an independent publishing house, Founded in 2022 in Turin, and bookshop conceived as a space for experimentation and exchange dedicated to visual and performing arts.

Paint It Black engages in collaborations with various entities to enhance and expand the concept of publishing, aiming to create connections with other forms of artistic expression. This approach opens up new opportunities for dialogue and cross-pollination between different artistic languages

info and opening hours

the bookshop is open
Wednesday to Sunday
9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Please note that the museum will be closed on the following exceptional dates: December 25th, 26th, and January 1st. The museum will be open on January 6th.